Monday, November 25, 2013

Start the week's diet right: 8 foods that’ll make your face and skin look better

healthy diet strawberries skin detox beauty
Add these healthy eating foods to your beauty 
detox diet plan and get Ultra Beautiful in no time

Add these eight beauty superfoods to your diet this week!

1. Skin-plumping strawberries

As well as being yummy, strawberries are a vital food in the Ultra Beauty diet.

Strawberries are truly glow-foods for your skin, since they’re packed with skin-plumping vitamin C, antioxidants, flavonoids, minerals and fibre.  
The antioxidant properties of vitamin C and its role in collagen synthesis make vitamin C a vital molecule for skin health. Studies have shown that vitamin C may help prevent and treat sun damage.
The vitamin C in strawberries helps the body grow and repair its tissues, according to the University of Maryland Medical Centre. It also helps to make collagen, an important protein needed by the skin to give that plump and youthful look, preventing wrinkles and sagging.  In fact, if you don’t get enough vit C you can get scurvy which is what happens when collagen is so low that connective tissues break down. 
Vitamin C also limits the damage induced by ultraviolet light exposure, says studies at Oregon State University.  Although the vitamin isn’t a “sunscreen” (because it does not absorb light in the UVA or UVB spectrum), its antioxidant activity protects against UV-induced damage caused by free radicals.
Being water-soluble, vit C is not stored in the body so it is essential to make it a part of your daily diet.  
Other potent sources for snacking on or putting in salads are kiwi fruits, oranges and red peppers.  

2. Vitamin E power in almonds

almonds office snack detox healthy diet skin
Saying no to those Krispy Kremes in plain view of your desk is much easier if you have a yummy alternative in your drawer. Stash a bag of almonds for the afternoon munchies and you’ll be giving your body a huge dose of protein, calcium, Omega-3 acids and vitamin E that together promote a lean body and luminous skin. 

As we know, Omega-3 acids regulate blood sugars, reduce blood pressure, help reduce body fat, maintain muscle mass, increase energy levels and skin radiance. Your body can't make these essential fatty acids and, after walnuts, almonds are the best nut source.

Almonds are a brilliant source of a major nutrient that the skin needs: Vitamin E.  It is the most abundant antioxidant present in the skin but is easily destroyed by pollution – that’s the reason why people who work in cities can have a greyish look.  

Almonds also contain magnesium which, in addition to helping cells produce energy and protein, is believed to counter the effects of stress hormones, which can make you age faster and exacerbate acne.

3. Avocado for soft skin and weight loss
avocado salad pret detox healthy diet
This Pret salad with avocado and crayfish is perfect
There’s more to avocado than guacamole. The fats in avocado will help to improve skin tone, keeping it smooth and soft. Avos contain over 25 vital nutrients including vitamins (A, B, C, E, and K) and minerals such as copper, potassium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.
Omega-9 fats help reduce redness and any irritation, and these super fats are also important for repairing damaged skin cells.
All these wonderful things combine protect your skin from wrinkles and other signs of ageing; and in addition, the vitamin E helps guard against photo-aging from sun exposure, and the high levels of vitamin C which, as we said above, is involved in the creation of elastin and collagen for maintaining your skin’s elasticity and firmness. Step aside, oranges!
If you’re one of those people who avoid avocados in salads because they’re high in fat, then you’ll be surprised to find out that they're actually good for weight loss. Research has shown that the monounsaturated fatty acids in this superfood are more likely to be used as slow burning energy than stored as body fat.

4. Green tea for detox energy
green tea detox weight loss diet healthy
Once a rare specialty item associated with Chinese herbal medicine, green tea is now a staple in the coffee and tea aisle at your local supermarket. Swap your coffee for a cup of green tea and get a load of skin-and-bod-loving benefits.
The medicinal properties of tea are attributed to flavonoid phytochemicals called polyphenols. The polyphenols found in tea mainly belong to the subtype called catechins. Green tea has more catechins than black tea (about 25% versus 4%). The main catechins in green tea include gallocatechin (GC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin (EC), and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
Current research indicates that EGCG can prevent collagen breakdown and reduce UV damage to skin.  
The drink’s catechins help fight damage caused by free radicals.  Free radicals are molecules that are missing an electron - they are inherently unstable, and always trying to steal an electron from the other molecules around them.
Free radicals can form in your skin for a variety of reasons, including exposure to toxins. However, the most common cause of free radicals in skin cells is UV radiation from sunlight, which causes up to 90% of all signs of premature aging.
If you’re worried about those years of sun tanning, the good news is green tea’s antioxidant effects may help prevent skin cancer. A 2003 study published in the American Chemical Society discovered that green tea prevents skin cancer by blocking a harmful enzyme, the appropriately named junk-2. A 2007 study revealed that those who drank two or more cups a day had a 65% lower risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma. Interestingly, the same study noted that drinking tea with lemon boosts its anti-cancer properties.
If you’re trying to lose weight, definitely start sipping tea as part of your program: Overweight or obese exercisers burned off three more pounds and 7 percent more belly fat when they drank green tea instead of another beverage with the same calories, according to a new multicenter study. 
endurance gym body workout healthy beauty

Getting rid of excess water weight is one way to lose weight, and provide a slimming effect. The diuretic effects of green tea have been used for centuries to help the body get rid of any extra fluid it’s not using, helping you to get that slim silhouette and light feeling.  
Green tea boosts exercise endurance – those catechins are at it again! Here they’re helping the body to burn up fat as fuel, so your muscles can take more punishment at the gym. Being able to exercise more means you’re burning more calories, leading to a caloric deficit, and an increase in lean muscle mass. 
workout endurance healthy diet gym
Green tea will make you jump for joy in a sea of balls

green tea clipper packet detox diet
One of my favourite brands - Clipper
The EGCG in green tea also helps to fight inflammation in the body, and therefore diseases and conditions that are brought on by it.  As Ultra Beautiful followers know, inflammation is our number one enemy of the skin, responsible for a range of grievances like sagging, uneven tone, dull skin, and wrinkles – as well as a range from chronic conditions like arthritis to cancer. That’s why it’s a good idea to combine green tea with a diet that is high in anti-inflammatory foods. 

5. Salmon – the all-round wonder food
salmon beauty healthy dietSalmon contains essential fats and powerful antioxidants such as the carotenoid, astaxanthin (that gives it the pinky red colour), that have important anti-inflammatory properties. Salmon is also probably the world's most healthy source of protein. It is rich in long-chain omega-3 essential fatty acids - the most beneficial kind - which protect heart health, inhibit inflammation, act as natural anti-depressants, increase feelings of well-being, and help keep skin young, supple and radiant.
Women are notorious for not eating enough protein, and the first place this shows is in the face. If you at lots of stodgy white carbs, this will make your skin dull and puffy.  
Wild salmon is better than farmed because it is leaner, and contains more of the omega 3s, and no added chemicals.  Personally though, I think farmed is better than nothing (and much cheaper), so I make sure I drain off all the fat from baked salmon, and for smoked, I blot it on kitchen roll before serving. 
salmon sushi healthy detox diet
Salmon sushi makes a great lunch

Salmon, along with the humble sardine, are the source of these wonderful beautifying benefits:
  • Radiant, glowing skin
  • Contoured cheeks and jawline – for high cheekbones!
  • Strong hair and nails
  • Decreased body fat
  • Improved brain function
  • More energy
  • Reduce acne, and acne scarring
  • Reduced symptoms and severity of chronic skin conditions such as eczema
salmon asparagus detox beauty diet
Baked salmon, lemon and asparagus is
PERFECT for your skin

6. Pineapple to heal
So you’re grabbing lunch in the local supermarket to take back to work, and dithering over a dessert that probably goes something like this - yoghurt? Banana? I really want a bag of Percy Pigs!
pineapple detox diet beauty healthy
Pineapple is yummy and easy to buy from most supermarkets' chilled sections
Do your skin a favour and pick up one of those little pots of pineapple chunks, and you’ll end your meal with a nutrient powerhouse of vitamins A and C, antioxidants, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose, sucrose, and the enzyme bromelain. 

Fresh pineapple is the main source of bromelain, a combination of digestive enzymes and proteins that will fight inflammation in the body. Bromelain helps accelerate the healing of wounds and sports injuries, because of its healing effects to the cells.  

The same principle applies to your skin – its boosts production of collagen, firms and sloughs off dead skin cells. It plumps and smoothes, making wrinkles less visible.  Eat it every day and you’ll see age spots and uneven skin tone reduced. Plus, the water content and vitamin C makes skin more elastic and look hydrated.

7. Oats – the best beauty grain

detox beauty diet breakfast healthy oats
Top with berries for extra vitamins
Forget expensive muesli, turn to old-fashioned rolled oats for a
double whammy of skin calming nutrients and slow release energy. You probably know that oatmeal's a fibre-rich superfood that does an all-star job of sopping up cholesterol and speeding it out of the body – but its collection of iron, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, Vitamins B and E, and silicon also promote glowing skin.  Silicon is crucial for healthy skin to maintain collagen levels.  Oats have also been found to contain a chemical which helps cells renew themselves and promote anti-ageing activity, and has huge calming properties – great if you have redness or irritation.
oats healthy detox diet beauty
Simple rolled or old fashioned oats are best
Top with cinnamon or berries for extra antioxidant power!

8. Orange foods for a natural glow
sweet potato beauty diet detox healthy
Baked sweet potatoes are EZ and a great winter dinner
Orange coloured foods are another group of champions on the skin health front. Pick 'n' mix doesn't come into the equation here, though!  It’s orange coloured fruit and vegetables only, and they will give your skin a beautiful, natural colour that no amount of fake tan will achieve!
beauty healthy diet glow detox
Do away with bronzer and get the glow naturally

A compound called beta-carotene gives the orange colour to foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes and mangoes, and that also goes straight to your skin, mildly colouring it with a gorgeous glow. The beta carotene also serves to protect the proteins in our skin that keep it supple, which adds a nice anti-ageing benefit to the mix too. Increasing your intake of these foods will help keep the skin smooth, as well as provide a natural SPF to protect from the sun.
The great thing about many of these foods is that they are portable or quick and easy to prepare. Snack on raw carrots during the day or bake some sweet potato wedges in the oven at night. Simple, quick, and easy!
To really enhance the positive effect of orange foods, combine them with something fatty. A little humous with raw carrots, or some olive oil drizzled on a sweet potato, will go a long way in aiding the body's absorption of the beta carotene.
Carrots humous beauty detox healthy diet

Monday, November 11, 2013

Nighttime beauty: Products that work wonders while you slumber

In the previous post, you'll have read all about the secrets of supreme sleep for optimum repair and replenishment for ultra beauty.  For truly radiant, glowing, flawless skin, invest in some potent serums and creams that will really perfect your skin's natural beauty. These will add to your beauty detox diet plan to get you Ultra Beautiful in no time. There is no substitute for healthy eating!

My bathroom cabinet – the nighttime shelf – looks like this.  I’ll tell you about each of the products.

  1. Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair - second from right
This is a super nourishing serum that goes on first, under your night moisturizer. Holding 25 patents worldwide, Estee Lauder say that the ChronoluxCB technology in this breakthrough formula works to improve oxidant damage from the sun and pollution, by purifying the cells and helping them to repair.  The result is younger-looking skin for the next morning and damage prevention for the future.  One of the more potent products on the market.

The only Clinique product that I like – I think that generally the active ingredients are pretty diluted by cheap fillers – but this one actually works.  Pat around the eye area (not too close to the eyeball) before bed and you’ll wake up with less puffy peepers.  

3. Dr Perricone Deep Moisture Therapy (far left)
I am a HUGE fan of Dr Perricone. His book, products and supplements are actually designed based on scientific studies and rigorous research.  I’m using this moisturizer right now because it is the cheaper of his creams (about £65) but I do splash out on the more expensive Cold Plasma sometimes.  This rich cream is perfect for nighttime as it contains tocotrienols (an uber potent type of vitamin E) to perfect your skin.

4. Erborian Sleeping BB Mask (second from left)
This is a thick and yummy-smelling cream that goes over the serum but instead of the moisturizer.  It seals in the moisture and antioxidants of the serum, 'cocooning' your skin to let it do its work uninterrupted.  This brand uses Korean skincare technology which is commonly known to be 8 - 10 years ahead of the West's. 
It kind of stays on all night and you can feel its creamy goodness still there in the morning. It’s not an essential, but it sure feels nice when you wake up with plump, soft skin – but although it smells nice, try not to lick it. 

Why is beauty sleep the key to glowing skin?

audrey hepburn beauty sleep

What if I told you there was one thing that would MASSIVELY help to make your skin glowing, lose weight, your mood happy and appetite regulated

Your beauty detox diet plan isn't only about healthy eating. The Ultra Beauty blog shows you the lifestyle changes to incorporate.  Get Ultra Beautiful in no time!

You've probably guessed from the title of this blog, but that thing is sleep – a solid 7 – 9 hours of uninterrupted snooze time. Sleep is generally ignored, or seen as indulgent, but it is SO key to your ultra beauty, health and happiness that I’m dedicating a whole blog post to it today.

Sleep is a wonderful thing because it makes a huge difference to your beauty and mood, yet happens all by itself while you are dreaming. Some of the benefits are:

Turn back the clock on ageing!
Good sleep reduces inflammation, which is the number one enemy of the Ultra Beauty diet.  Not just for the wrinkles and sagginess it’ll add to your skin, but also for the heart disease, stroke, diabetes and arthritis that it has been linked to. Research indicates that people who get less sleep - six or fewer hours a night - have higher blood levels of inflammatory proteins than those who get more.

glowing skin beauty sleep diet

A 2010 study found that C-reactive protein, which is associated with heart attack risk, was higher in people who got six or fewer hours of sleep a night.  The good news is that having three nights of proper snooze will reverse this.

Skip the surgery!  Get a midnight face lift
When you skimp on sleep, it shows on your face. Tired skin sags, bags, and loses its luster. Lack of sleep causes blood vessels to dilate, causing the look of dark circles. That can all start changing the next time you slip between the sheets.
Your skin goes into repair mode when you sleep, growing new cells and replacing older cells. Lots of different hormonal and metabolic changes happen in the body, and a lack of sleep can disrupt those processes.  However, you can change this tonight, with a visible difference showing just the next morning after a good night’s sleep - an important part of your beauty routine.

beauty sleep skin diet healthy facelift

Think like a skinny - reduce your appetite and lose weight
If you’re like me, a bad night’s sleep will make you crave sugary treats, with the intensity of the Cookie Monster on the Atkins diet. There is actually a scientific reason behind this. Two hormones called leptin and ghrelin work as a balancing act to control feelings of hunger and fullness. Ghrelin, which is produced in the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates appetite, while leptin, produced in fat cells, sends a signal to the brain when you are full. When you eat a large meal, your body produces leptin to tell your brain to stop desiring food.  However, when you’re tired, that hormone isn’t made in the same quantities, so you never feel satisfied.  This sets the stage for overeating, which leads to weight gain. 

morning breakfast healthy choice diet

In a Stanford University study, people who slept less than 8 hours had a higher percentage of body fat, with those people sleeping the fewest hours weighing the most!  It could also be because being fully rested gives you the most energy to lead an active lifestyle. Either way, sleep and a slim body go hand in hand.

Improve memory
Forgot what you did this morning?  During sleep you can strengthen memories or "practice" skills learned while you were awake, in a process called consolidation.  Good news for anyone studying for exams, learning a language or even improving their tennis swing.

sleeping beauty disney skin diet

Becoming a Sleeping Beauty

Are you getting enough?  Everyone is different; so one person might not be able to sleep longer than seven hours a night, with another needing a full nine.  Waking up tired is a sign you’re scrimping. I am writing from personal experience - my husband will certainly attest that if I don't get seven to eight hours of shut-eye, I wake up as my grumpy alter ego who is irritable, baggy-eyed, and ready to inhale a tray of Krispy Kremes. However, on the nights that I wake up after a good amount of quality snooze, my skin is brighter, I make nutritious, energising food choices and the world is generally a happier place.

beauty sleep couple awake diet healthy
Get your husband to tell a boring story - works every time

Jump to next post: essential potent nighttime beauty products

Some tips that will help you get enough of this beauty elixir are:

Not using your mobile phone, tablet or watching TV an hour before bedtime: A new study showed that the light from electronic devices hugely decreases the amount of melatonin in your body (the hormone that makes you sleepy), causing getting to sleep and staying asleep a problem. Teenagers are particularly affected, as they tend to be night owls anyway.  We all love playing computer games, reading online articles or flicking through Facebook photos in the evening, but the price for leading our fully wired lives is high: These diversions can keep us from both falling asleep and sleeping well. 

sleep computer light insomniaJust one hour looking at a computer screen is equivalent to one hour’s sitting in bright sunlight, because of the light emitted from the screen. This reduces the amount of melatonin your body makes, meaning you don’t feel like sleeping, and don’t enter the deepest and most restorative phase of sleep as quickly.

There’s a more sinister side to not making enough melatonin:  Suppression of this hormone by light at night has been implicated in increased risk for diabetes and obesity, as well as higher risk for more serious diseases, such as breast cancer, if it occurs for many consecutive years, such as in nightshift workers. I have a ‘no screen’ rule in the bedroom which means good old fashioned books and alarm clocks!  Oh and a blackout blind so that those early morning rays can’t get in…

sleep work laptop stress
Wind down an hour before your bedtime. Don't do work or anything mentally taxing that you'll get caught up in. Your body can’t help tensing up when you decide to look at that work report, or watch an action film.  As your brain revs up, its electrical activity increases and neurons start to race - the exact opposite of what should be happening before sleep.  Use this time to get chores out of the way, like ironing or washing up, or settle down with a good book. 

Fresh air can really help you to sleep deeply. Open your window a crack even in Winter and pile on the duvets to keep warm.  Weird, but it works.

Some individuals are particularly sensitive to caffeine, meaning a cup of green tea early in the day can cause insomnia at night.  If you’re having trouble dropping off, try ditching all caffeinated drinks and chocolate altogether.  As for coffee, that is the worst drink for sleeping, so should be first on your hitlist!

Drink enough alcohol and you’ll definitely fall asleep, but it won’t be restful or reparative. In fact you’re more likely to wake up a few hours later, or to toss and turn all night.  I’m not saying never have a drink, but try not to make it a nightly occurrence. 

Next blog: my favourite bedtime beauty products that give your skin an extra anti-ageing boost.

night beauty products routine cream