Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wheat and your beauty diet

detox diet plan healthy eating ultra beauty
Your beauty detox diet plan is mainly gluten free. 
Healthy eating is centred on supergrains, not wheat.
Ultra Beauty tell you why...

The grains you eat are key to following a skin-friendly beauty diet. If you’re still carrying around some extra pounds, wheat could be the culprit. Everyone loves a bowl of pasta, cereal or lunchtime sandwich but it can actually be addictive.  Wheat can make losing weight more challenging, and can make you bloated, your skin dull and your energy lacking.  However – stop eating wheat and you will very quickly feel better.

wheat detox healthy diet
No!  Step away from the buns!

Are you addicted to wheat? 

Both whole and refined wheat contain unfavorable properties, and you can be addicted regardless of the type you consume on a regular basis. So what are some of the symptoms of wheat addiction.

  You crave junk food—carbs—that contain wheat flour
  You carry your extra weight around your midsection and it doesn’t seem to budge no matter what you do
  If you’re male, you may have started growing breast tissue (possibly from the increase in oestrogen in your body). Wheat consumption creates insulin spikes, which in turn contribute to an increase in visceral fat (fat around your internal organs). The visceral fat does more than just sit there; it actually produces estrogen. This can contribute to the growth of “man boobs."
  You think you should cut back on how much food you eat, but your appetite says otherwise

How is wheat different to other grains?

One theory is that wheat essentially acts like an opiate in the brain, making you want to eat more and more of it.  When you digest wheat, polypeptides (short proteins) called exorphins, make you feel high as they attach to opioid receptors in the brain. Those polypeptides can cross over the blood brain barrier, strengthening your addiction to wheat.

This explains the insatiable desire for even ‘healthy’ foods like toast and muesli: you are not being greedy by wanting to eat it continuously!  The way it behaves in the body is unique to this particular grain, so it’s not the same when you consume Beauty Grains like millet and quinoa.  It’s difficult to feel satisfied for long when you consume wheat—that includes refined and whole wheat products—and you begin to seek it out more and more often.

What other health problems can wheat cause?

Because wheat causes inflammation throughout the body, it has been linked to other diseases. 
Some of the side effects and conditions associated with wheat include:

  Insulin-dependent diabetes
  Celiac disease
  Rheumatoid arthritis
  Peptic ulcers
  Autoimmune disease
  Low energy
  Inflammation all over the body
wheat fried detox beauty healthy diet pastries skin

It’s Not Just Gluten

Gluten’s a big deal, but the problem with wheat doesn’t just lie with the gluten it contains (though that’s what makes wheat so allergenic). This wheat addiction and the problems attached to it don’t just affect those with celiac disease, either. This is a problem that affects most Britons.

Gliadin, another protein found in wheat, makes you want to eat more and more. That’s a problem in itself because you’re then consuming more and more gluten (many people have an intolerance to gluten even if they don’t have celiac disease), which leads to bloating and inflammation. In addition to more gluten, you get more toxic pesticides, molds, fungi, herbicides, and other chemicals. None of that is good. Let’s face it: No matter which way you look at it, whether you think wheat addiction is possible or not, this grain is a Beauty Energy thief.

Lectins found in wheat cause inflammation and disease in the body. Not only are they a problem in the gut (you’ve probably heard of leaky gut, where the lectins prevent intestinal walls from repairing themselves), but they make it through the intestinal walls and go out to wreak havoc on other organs, too.

How to Cut Wheat Consumption

You don’t have to give up all the foods you enjoy that typically contain wheat.  There are good replacements.  First off, make sure you always check the ingredients, because wheat sneaks into much more than you’d think).  There are loads of potato or corn based breads and pastas in mainstream supermarkets.

If going cold turkey is enough to scare you off of any attempt to cut wheat out of your diet, you can try only having wheat products three to four times per week at first, but you’ll need to be diligent about reading the ingredients and doing your research so you know to stop when you’ve reached your weekly limit. You can also plan ahead with alternatives to your favorite breads, crackers, and other wheat-containing snacks.

Possible and temporary withdrawal symptoms 

  Brain fog

Sounds like cutting out wheat is a lot like cutting out coffee or sugar, which leads me to believe you can get addicted to wheat. Who would’ve thought?
If you suspect you do have an addiction to wheat or a sensitivity to gluten, I urge you to try avoiding wheat products for a few weeks to see how you feel without them in your diet. It may be difficult, but if your symptoms subside and you find that you have more Beauty Energy and less pain and bloating at the end of it, it WILL be worth it.

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